Thursday, April 30, 2009

Making time for Family

Being a career mom is not an easy job. In fact, they say when women come home from work; they start the “second shift.” How do we juggle all of this? When do we find me-time? Families today seem to be too busy with rushing from work, to soccer, to ballet. Does anyone have dinner together anymore?

If you feel like your family life is spiraling out of control – Stop and take a moment to re-evaluate your daily rituals.

It won’t happen magically overnight, but making a few changes here and there may actually bring you and your family closer.

Make a rule to:

Kiss your spouse and children good-bye every morning

Listen to your favourite tunes on the way to work – instead of “talking shop” on your cell phone.

Call your spouse from work to say you were thinking of him.

Once a week plan a special dinner where everyone sits together.
Perhaps Sunday nights are the family dinner night.

Whenever possible, turn off your cell phone or blackberry during dinner, and family times.

Tuck your children in, and spend a little extra time with each child cuddling each night.

Once a month – hire a sitter, and spend an evening with your husband/wife.

Need extra help around the house? By hiring outside of the home, it will free up time for you and your family.

Once a month, hire a housekeeper. Have her do all of the chores you avoid, such as: Windows, light fixtures, behind appliances, even laundry that may be piling up!

Most of all, remember to take much deserved time out for yourself. You deserve it!

Susan Racco-Brewin

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 5th Anniversary

Family Care Connection has a lot to celebrate these days. Despite hard economic times, Family Care Connection continues to move forward.

Celebrating 5 years in business in Ontario, Family Care invites you to meet and greet at their new downtown location.

We are raising funds for our favourite charity - Rainbows Canada. Come in and sign a "rainbow" - all proceeds go toward the greiving children's fund.